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Using barcodes to trace cell development

Hans-Reimer Rodewald, a scientist at the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) in Heidelberg, and his co-workers wanted to capture the dynamic events in blood cell formation instead of merely taking snapshots. In close collaboration with a research team led by systems biologist Thomas Höfer, the scientists have developed a new technology that enables them to precisely follow the developmental tracks of cells. To this end, they label stem cells with a kind of genetic barcode in order to be able to clearly identify their offspring later. "Genetic barcodes have been developed and applied before, but they were based on methods that can also change cellular properties," Rodewald said. " Our barcodes are different: They can be induced tissue-specifically and directly in the genome of mice -- without influencing the animals' physiological development." The basis of the new technology is the so-called Cre/loxP system that is used t