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Bone marrow protein may be target for improving stem cell transplants

A new study led by University of Pennsylvania and Technical University of Dresden scientists has identified an important regulator of this process, a protein called Del-1. Targeting it, the researchers noted, could be an effective way to improve stem cell transplants for both donors and recipients. There may also be ways to modulate levels of Del-1 in patients with certain blood cancers to enhance immune cell production. The findings are reported this week in  The Journal of Clinical Investigation . "Because the hematopoetic stem cell niche is so important for the creation of bone marrow and blood cells and because Del-1 is a soluble protein and is easily manipulated, one can see that it could be a target in many potential applications," said George Hajishengallis, the Thomas W. Evans Centennial Professor in the Department of Microbiology i n Penn's School of Dental Medicine and a senior author on the work. "I think that Del-1 represents a major regulator of t